
Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Day Trading - What is the Key to Successful Day Trading? Part 1

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In order to be successful as a day trader, and Internet daytrading more precisely, you have to have a knowledge of how the system works. In order to find out how the stock market is regulated, we have to look no further than Wall Street for the answers.

Wall Street has been trading, and making billions of dollars for the better part of 100 years, they know their stuff. Just take a walk down Wall Street and you will see huge billion-dollar brokerage firms, banks at every step and trading firms as far as the eyes can see.

But the question that we need to find out is how they make so much money? What is it that they know that we don't? And how do they go about generating billions of dollars every year trading stocks? Stocks are nothing more than promissory notes often time represented as zeros and ones on a computer system. So they are making billions trading zeros and ones on a computer screen? Well there is more to it than that.

As a day trader it is important to know where the money comes from, and where it goes, and how to profit from this information of electronic money passing from one person to another. This is important because to a less degree, the day trader will be doing the exact same thing to make a profit. So understanding of how the system works would be the first step in capitalizing on the billions in profit that passes from one hand to another. All we are asking for is a few measly fraction of a percent of this huge volume of money, not too much to ask is it?

Once you have a good handle as to how Wall Street works it is then and only then that you can start to put together a targeted strategy that you will use in your daily trades. Like any endeavor, before you take one step forward you must know what the pitfalls are, where they are located, and how to void them, all at the same time while making a profit.

Once you have an idea as to the inner works of the stock market, things like the bid ask spread will begin to make sense and will lay the foundation for differentiating between trading the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation or the (NASDAQ) now the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), but that's another story.

Like anything else knowledge is power and power can make you money. Once you have developed your knowledge as to how the system works then it will be easy to determine how to use the system to your advantage. But just be conservative with your trades at first, because there are power brokers out there that eat day traders for breakfast.

The most important key I believe to have successful trades is to have a good risk management plan and to not let emotions keep you from sticking to your plan.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Day Trading Hot Tip - Leveraging Your Way to Success Or the Poor House

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One of the most dangerous tools available to Day Traders trading Contracts for Difference, Futures or Forex is that ability to access wild amounts of leverage. Leverage is that incredible 'double edged' sword that gives you the opportunity for incredible gains on small amounts of money or unforgiveable losses with small amounts of money. Fortunately, when it comes to leverage, you the trader are always in control providing you know how to trade on leverage sensibly.

Is control really in my hands as the trader?

As the trader you have your trading account of say $10,000 which on some trading accounts like forex, will give you the opportunity to trade up to $1 million in total positions. This is referred to as 100 times leverage and if you think about it, is absolutely crazy and the closest thing you are ever going to experience to gambling without being at the casino.

Fortunately for those who trade sensibly, you'll understand that you actually do control the leverage on your account and with $10,000 you could trade up to $10,000 in total value which means you are using no leverage. The key point to illustrate here is that you can trade ridiculous levels of leverage and wipe your account out overnight, or you could trade sensibly and use the leverage to your advantage.

Can I triple the results of a trading system using leverage?

When you begin using leverage in a sensible way you'll begin to appreciate that you can maximize your returns whilst only increasing the chance of drawdown in a small way. Let's say you had a trading system that made 10% per year with no leverage. That means on your $10,000 account you would make $1,000 gross by the years end.

Imagine then if you traded that same system at 3 times leverage, which means instead of trading just $10,000 worth of position you are now trading $30,000 in total positions. Now you simply apply the exact same trading system which historically has been making 10% per year. The main difference now is that you are using a total portfolio size of $30,000 and 10% of that figure is $3,000. When you work out your return you need to base it on your $10,000 capital since that is exactly what you have. Now you can see that you are making 30% per year instead of 10% and all you did was increase the leverage to 3 times your account size.

My trading systems drawdown is not tripled...

Always remember that trading on leverage amplifies your wins and losses. In relation to your trading system making 10% per year you may have experienced a 4% drawdown at its worst point. If you trade at 3 times leverage then you can expect that your worst case drawdown will be approximately 3 times more than the unleveraged result. As a general rule, always trade smaller than what you are currently trading at.

Action: Discover the Universal Trading Strategy that can be used across all market conditions and all market time frames. This one Universal Truth has the ability to Free your Mind as it sets the foundation of all Successful Trading Plans.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_Jessen

Day Trading Penny Stocks For Big Profit

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Day trading penny stocks for big profit is easier to achieve than you think. However, It does require a bit of studying and practicing. The actual day trading of stocks is usually done within one to two hours. This would be just perfect for someone who want to make some fast profits in a short period of time from the comfort of their own home.

Long term investing in the stock market historically yields an average of less than 10% per year. That's just slightly better than putting your money in the bank. Day trading penny stocks for big profit means you should target 10% or more in profit in just a day! We all know the power of compounding interest. Imagine what would happen if you compound your profit rate at 10% a day?

How can you make big profit in day trading penny stock? The answer is very simple. You need to acquire the right knowledge and use the proper trading tools.

Microcap Feed is the definitive trading tool you need in order to day trade for big profit. It is the data source and applications for everything related to penny stocks. It has all things the day traders need in real time as it gives them the tool they need to beat the market. You owe yourself to check this tool out.

There are quite a few daytrading reports and e-books available online that will teach you the knowledge to consistently generate profit from the daily huge swings that penny stocks display. You must then practice trading using a 'play money' trading account until you feel confidant enough to get your feet wet in the real market.

Equipped with the right tool and proper knowledge, you are now better prepared than most of the traders out there and are well on your way to make big profits in day trading penny stocks!

For more day trading advice to make big profit in the stock market, visit Shaomin King's website: http://www.daytradingadvice.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Siu_Kong

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Internet Day Trading - The Internet - Your Best Friend and Your Worst Enemy

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Successful day trading depends on many different parts and components in order to work. Internet day trading relies heavily on using your computer to place trades, buy and sell in order to make a profit. Most Internet Day traders will tell you that trading online is both a blessing and a curse, one minute the Internet is your friend and the next it could be your worst enemy. As a day trader you have to make sure you use the tools to your advantage.

Trading online is the easiest way, the cheapest way, the quickest way and one of the most transparent ways to trade stocks. Most day traders use the Internet to do their buying and selling of stocks. When it comes to trading online, timing is everything, it is critical to know when to buy and when to sell, even though the Internet is fast, and the transfer of information seems real time, most in the industry will tell you that, that real-time may not always be as "real time" as you think. So bearing in mind that there could be a delay when you buy and sell its important to get in front of the wave when buying and to get off of the wave before it crashes on the shore.

Unless you have a good knowledge as to how the stock market works and what or who drives trade and set the rules you can easily become a victim of the stock market and within minutes lose everything. Most newcomers to day trading end up losing more money than they had when they first begun.

If you're starting to day trading and you're thinking about Internet day trading then there are a few things that you need to have in order to be successful. I always recommend that day traders have at least two computer systems, and keep them separate and independent of each other with broadband, or a DSL, or cable connection,the faster the better. High speed Internet can mean the difference between getting ahead of a wave and jumping on when the wave has already passed. Use a reliable Internet service provider, and check to see what the down times percentage is for your area. You want to make sure that your Internet connection is consistent, fast, and are not interrupted during peek trading hours of the day.

Shop around for a very good trading platform that have many years of experience within the industry, and deal specifically with the day traders. Before you expose your real money, do some paper trading on the platform you have chosen, to test the speed and accuracy at fulfilling your bids and requests. How long does it take to sell when you want to sell, and to buy when you need to buy? Paper trading will give you a great barometer, and a good feel for the trading platform that you choose and the tools and resources that they may have available, all without risking any of your own money.

Internet day trading, is not for the faint of heart, and your internet, and hardware, and software are a few of the element of a multifaceted industry. In addition to your Internet connection you will have to deal with things like when to buy, when to sell, late fills, Gap openings, margins calls, the bid ask spread, trading halts, and many more such moving parts in your quest to make money. Other things like mood swings, control of your emotions, frustrations, elation are things that will challenge you from day-to-day.

Internet day trading is not easy but if you can master the techniques, you can become very successful and make quite a bit of money.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

Make a Living Day Trading - Why Day Trading is Getting So Popular Part 2

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Day Trading is entering the market, making quick trades and exiting the market, sometimes several times in a day, and usually ending your trading, or selling of your stocks or position by the close of the bell.

This means you make your money for that day and you remove yourself from the market or from any risk by the end of trading day and you start afresh the following day, never leaving yourself vulnerable at the hands of the volatile stock market throughout the night.

This point and more are some of the reasons why so many people want to go into day trading. The pull to do day trading is strong in deed. If you can be successful at it, there is no better, profitable, more fulfilling, time well spent job you could ever have.

But let no one fool you the risks are high, and there are many pitfalls. I think the stock market is more volatile today than at any other time in history. Stock market segments can rapidly and without warning at a moments notice, making some people millions and others bankrupted. The new and inexperienced trader will quickly learn that day trading or trading stock for a living is not for the very emotional, or faint of heart, or the novice.

It is important to note that trading and more specifically internet day trading is risky business, and you should never expose money you can't afford to lose. That I think is your number one rule of trading. Remember that they are power brokers in Wall Street that have at their disposal millions of dollars, they are more knowledgeable than you, and they have more experience than you, these guys are the best traders in the world, and to a large degree they control the market, they are the ones that set the odds and they do not like to lose their money not even a cent. To a large degree the system is rigged and often times geared towards your failure. These Wall Street power brokers make their money at the expense of the investing public, and the small fries like you and me. Rule number two is to recognize this fact.

But if you have the knowledge and experience you can beat these power brokers at their own game, or at least ride the wave that they create. The third point is to know where to look for these waves, when to get on the wave, and when to get off.

Trading online is so popular now because never before in history can your everyday average person, use very little start up capital and create enormous wealth and financial independence, and this is a real big deal to most people drawn to day trading online.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Make a Living Day Trading - Why Day Trading is Getting So Popular Part 1

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Imagine Waking up in the morning at about nine o'clock, walking to your kitchen, grabbing a cup of tea and something to eat, walk to your computer desk, no rush-hour traffic, no boss breathing down your neck, no office politics. You haven't even changed your nighttime bed clothes, you switch on your computer, and by the end of the day you could make more money than most people make in three months. How many of us would like a job like that?

Well this is the life of most internet day traders. You dictate your own time, and you can stand to make a lot of money. No wonder daytrading has exploded within the last 5 to 6 years. The technology that we have access to and the critical information at the touch of a button make trading online all the more appealing and potentially lucrative.

There are 19 and 20-year-olds sitting around computers trading online and making more in a day than some people make in a year. This phenomenon has been going on for some time, and there are quite a few secret million years that are walk among us.

Day trading contrary to popular belief requires knowledge and skills, with luck playing a very small part. This is not gambling, day trading requires strategic techniques that often times result in profit, and lots of it. You have to ask yourself why is it that some people can make millions of dollars trading online, and others try and end up losing money instead of making money? It all comes down to knowing what to do, and when to do it. A major part of the secret to successfully day trading is having a good idea as to how the system works, and then exploring how to make it work for you.

For over 100 years, the power brokers on Wall Street have been using this system to make millions, and indeed billions at the expense of the general public. But because of the information revolution and free access to information and, high-speed Internet, and real-time software tools that are available, the playing field in a lot of regards are now level. Trading stock is now easier, quicker cheaper, and readily available to anyone with a bank account and an Internet connection.

Emerging from this phenomena is a group of internet day traders who have learned the system, and are using the system to make a killing. Internet day trading is pretty much like any other trading on the planet, it is simply buying and selling stocks using the Internet for a quick profit.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Day Trading - What is the Key to Successful Day Trading? Part 2

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If you're just starting out trading online more specifically day trading then it's always advisable to start out with low volatility stocks such as utilities and closed ended funds. This way you can develop your skills and expertise while improving your experience before jumping into the volatile but more profitable Dow Stocks like technology and momentum plays. But you must keep to your risk management plan, and keep emotions out of it.

When you're just getting started always spend at least a few weeks paper trading online before risking your own money. Paper trading is simply placing trades live in the market place but with "play money" so you will buy and sell as normal in real-time without risking any of your own money. This gives you practice and help you to understand in a practical and live manner how the stock market works, and how you make money from it. Once you have had a few trades under your belt, paper trade that is, and you feel more comfortable making money, then I always recommend that you start small with your own money. Never risk more money than you can afford to lose, this is rule number two when it comes to day trading.

Always keep your emotions outside of your trades. To not get caught up in fear of losing, or greed of gain. These two components are the driving forces of the stock market, greed and fear. If you can discipline yourself to trade outside of these emotions then you can use it to your advantage.

Use a reputable and experience Day trading platform. There are many trading platforms online, so make sure that you do your due diligence before committing to one. You will always have the opportunity to paper day trade them so you will get a feel for how quick they place your trade and how fast they sell your position. The this is important because if the market should move against you, you will want to know that you can exit a trade as quickly as possible without putting too much of your capital at risk.

Day Trading can be fun and very profitable but you must also assume the risks, and know that the markets are volatile and can change in an instant. That is why day trading appeals to so many people because you will not have your money in the market for more than a few minutes at any given time, and by the time the bell rings, you should have sold all your position and be free and clear from the market, ready to start a fresh the next day.

The second key to successful day trading is to use a reliable trading software program that has proven results in helping you to place profitable trades.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Day Trading - Is it Luck, Gambling Or Skill and Technique?

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Many people who have tried and fail at day trading will be the first to tell you that it is all just luck, or it's closer to gambling than buying and selling, but is that really true? Is it just on big black jack, poker game that favors the lucky and punishes the unlucky?

Well there are those who would argue that even professional poker player make a decent 6 to 7 figure income and that it has more to do with skill, experience and technique than luck, and that day trading is similar in this regard, taking each trade individually, and isolating it I would tend to agree, but collectively, and comprehensively, day trading has more to do with skill, knowledge and experience than luck, even when compared to poker playing at a professional level.

Day trading is just like any other business venture, whether real estate or opening a restaurant, at the end of the day there are risk involved, so the majority of the time managing your risk is the most important component of business what ever that business may be, the same is true for day trading. Day trading is different than investing and should not be confused with investing. Day traders are not investors, they are traders.

All the various components that goes into long-term market trends, market conditions and long-term investing is not what the day trader is after. Going to newspaper clippings and getting the latest news from here and there, studying graphs and charts and doing hours of research will do the day trader no good. Listening to brokers analyst this company and that company trying to predict how the market will more with this rumor are that rumor is not what day trading is all about. Most of the time the main concern for day trader is the next 5 to 10 minutes and usually nothing beyond this.

Every trade that the day trader make is well calculated, and precise, with one thing in mind to make a quick and easy profit as fast as possible. The main goal is still get in a trade make a profit and get out putting very little money and time at risk at any given moment.

Sure there will be trades that did not go according to plan and you might lose a few dollars here and there, but this scenario can be the same for any business venture that I can think of. The mean goal is to end the day with a profit. And there are quite a few day traders that do this day in day out reaping seven figures and even becoming millionaires.

I always tell people that Luck is preparation and opportunity in action. If you are prepared to take action when the opportunity arises then you can create your own luck. There are opportunities every day so everyday I am prepared to take advantage of them.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

HOME :: Investing / Day-Trading How Do You Get Started Trading Contracts For Difference (CFDs)? By Ashley Jessen Platinum Quality Author Ashley Jess

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With all the buzz in the newspapers and magazines about trading Contracts for Difference (CFDs), the common question is 'How do I get started trading CFDs?' Keep in mind that a Contract for Difference is exactly like trading shares except you need a small amount of money up front and some subtle differences like the ability to short sell and the fact that you need to pay CFD finance.

Do I need to have traded stocks prior to starting trading CFDs?

Many traders jumping into the market for the first time (noobs) often wonder if they should have experience with shares prior to getting involved in trading a leverage product like CFDs. Ideally you should have some experience prior to trading any leveraged product and that experience should revolved around using sound risk management (risk aversion) and the ability to place and implement stop losses.

But I do I have the control?

Always keep in mind as a new CFD trader you can control the leverage on your account. You never have to use leverage if you don't want to but instead you could treat your CFD account like a share trading account by only ever exposing yourself to the total sum of your capital. For example, if you have $10,000 in your CFD trading account you might like to trade no more than $10,000 in total positions. This means you are using zero leverage and you have no more risk than a standard share trading account (unless you are shorting). If you combine zero leverage with sensible stop losses you'll find you can gain some great experience, minimize your risk and generally experience lower brokerage.

Grab your balls and racquet and let's play...

Now we've got some of those basics out of the way it's time to get serious and put your money where your mouth is. Grab a trading magazine off the bookshelf and locate an ad for a CFD broker and make enquiries to open the account. Opening an account usually requires filling out an online form and providing a copy of your drivers licence and or a recent bank statement. This approval process can take minutes to several days depending on how stringent the CFD brokers criteria are.

Time to dust off the wallet and clean the cobwebs

Once approved the CFD broker salesperson will ask you to fund the account. Normally you can do this with between $1,000 - $5,000. Make sure to put enough money in the account to meet your position sizing and financial goals. From here you can either download their trading platform to place your trades or phone your orders through. Pretty simple really. Now the fun begins.

Action: Discover the 7 most Critical CFD Trading Tips and 2 of the most common CFD Trading Strategies. Learn more about the Contracts for Difference (CFD) revolution by going to http://www.learncfds.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_Jessen

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Is it Worth Trading CFDs For Income and Cash Flow Using Dividends?

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Cashflow is king and when it comes to trading those rules apply even more so. One of the greatest challenges a trader faces is the inconsistency of income due to market fluctuations and poor performing trading systems. Dividends can help overcome this challenge but will require a sizable chunk of money to begin with.

Income generation with CFDs - is it worth it?

If you are looking to generate an income from trading Contracts for Difference via dividends and a low maintenance strategy you might want to 'run the numbers' so to speak before jumping in. Looking at some very basic numbers gives us the following example. You buy $100,000 worth of stock using CFDs and throughout the year you earn 6% in dividend payments or $6,000. Sounds good so far right? Also keep in mind that you might need only $10,000 to run your $100,000 position means you are already earning 60% return on your $10,000 float.

Have you taken CFD financing into account?

Despite making what looks to be a fantastic return on a relatively small outlay you need to consider the overnight CFD finance that you will incur throughout the year. With CFD financing running at 2-3% about the cash rate you will be looking at around 6% per year to finance the trade. Essentially this negates the whole income producing idea behind holding good dividend producing stocks.

So what is the workaround CFD strategy to earn dividends without paying too much finance?

As you can see the basic rule of thumb is the longer you hold your Contracts for Difference position the more CFD finance that you pay. The trick then is to multiply the effectiveness of this strategy by locating good uptrending stocks that pay a solid dividend and hold for a couple of days to weeks prior to the ex-div date. Using this CFD dividend strategy will allow you to hopefully benefit from a capital appreciation of the stock you are on plus receive a healthy dividend on the ex-div date.

By doing it this way you avoid having to pay the CFD finance for a full year and only pay for the shorter period of time that you are holding the position. You get to benefit from a possible capital appreciation whilst receiving the full dividend. Also keep in mind that CFD brokers do not pay any franking credits on dividends earned through CFD trading.

Action: Discover the 7 most Critical CFD Trading Tips and 2 of the most common CFD Trading Strategies. Learn more about the Contracts for Difference (CFD) revolution by going to http://www.learncfds.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_Jessen

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

When is the Use of Stop Loss Orders Warranted?

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Stop losses only serve to lock in your loss in your stock market dealings. First off, let's take the case of a spread bet on a stock for which an announcement comes out bad and the stock drops to 70% of its value and you decide to take your loss and close your spreadbet. Then, later that day they issue a correction they got it wrong the stock goes to 120% its original price. That's how the markets move; there is just as much chance of a price going up or down.

To start with, if you could get out for no cost, then the stop loss has zero effect on your expected profit or loss. You will just as likely stop out of a position that would have gone back into profit as you will stop out of a position that would have lost more money.

In practice, this means that you turn a frequent profit, or a less frequent large loss, into a certain small loss. Overall there is no net effect on the expected profitability of each deal. However, your stop-loss does not tend to get you out at mid. It tends to cost you, furthermore, it tends to cost you about the same as the entry spread, so doubling your expected loss.

No matter how you choose to run it, it is expected to make you a loss. The loss is probably only about 2% per trade, so some people, through sheer statistics, will come out ahead. This is just the same as with walking into a bookmaker's and betting on the horse with the nicest name.

To repeat it very clearly again, stop-losses do not save you money. They increase the number of down-days, they reduce your expected profit, and they reduce the number of hugely down days. They turn very many winning days into losing days, in exchange for removing "utter disaster" days from the calendar.

So in essence, not using a stop loss enables me to invest in a repeated game situation and leaves the possibility for an open position in a heavy loss to eventually turn into something profitable, rather than taking the loss as soon as it hits the stop loss and losing out on the possible profit of a turnaround.

When is the Use of Stop Loss Orders Warranted?

But there is some point in the position that you have to take scope of things and actually cut a loss short rather than just watching the news and situation get worse surely?

In all instances you have to evaluate your position, look at the reasoning behind the loss/gain and decide whether these unfavourable / favourable conditions are going to continue or not or if you think the market is wrong or right. But betting on one company or one outcome is very risky. I personally wouldn't bet anymore than what I couldn't afford to take a 100% loss on and walk away from.

The only problem I see with the above reasoning is if you get a margin call and you get in way over your head and risk more than you're willing to keep the open position. Secondly, the cost of keeping such a position open (which may have been for a few weeks) could turn into something much longer term (assuming we're hoping for a mistake or some good news).

An ideal website to visit, to start learning about spread bets and margin trading is http://www.financial-spread-betting.com who offer a comprehensive FAQs section relating to stop loss orders and general stock market dealing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Richardson

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

High Profit Candlestick Patterns

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Candlestick patterns have been around for approximately 300 years and are therefore one of the earliest documented forms of technical analysis. As testament to their effectiveness, many traders still use them to this day. Thus they are often referred to as "high profit candlestick patterns." But to actually have that term live up to its name, a deeper understanding is required.

The novice trader begins his or her study of Japanese candlestick patterns by becoming educated in the strange names and their corresponding patterns.

Typical of the Eastern approach to things, candlesticks have very poetic titles such as "Shooting Star," "Dark Cloud Cover," "Dragonfly Doji," "Evening Star," "Gravestone Doji," "Abandoned Baby," etc.

There are a multitude of candlestick patterns, but most students focus on a small number of the most common patterns - usually somewhere between 10 to 30 patterns.

As an aid to memorize them, it's typical practice to create flash cards with a picture of the bar pattern on one side and the name of the pattern on the other side.

This is a good way to become familiar with the basic patterns, but it is certainly not enough to use them for high profit trading.

One of the most overlooked aspects of finding high probability and high profit candlestick patterns is to make note of the context in which the pattern occurs.

For example there are many Japanese candlestick patterns that indicate a reversal of price. However, the trader must note where in the larger chart pattern that reversal pattern occurs. He or she must consider the bigger picture of the chart, especially the trend and momentum in the market at the time.

Candlestick reversal patterns against the larger trend can signal a very short term shift in price, or even just a stalling of price before the market continues in the direction of the long-term trend.

Learning to read candlestick patterns is time well spent. However it is only one aspect of learning to trade using technical analysis and should not be used in isolation. One must also learn to read trends, momentum, cycles, support/resistance and fractals (other time frames/scales) so they can evaluate how the candlestick pattern fits into the entire trading landscape.

Dr. Barry Burns teaches traders how to make money with High Profit Candlestick, is the owner of Top Dog Trading and was featured as a case study in the book "Using Candlestick Charting - How to Earn High Rates of Return Safely."

He has been the featured speaker at DayTradersUSA, and developed a 5 Day Course for WorldWideTrders. Dr. Burns has been a headlining guest speaker for the Market Analysts of Southern California, given seminars around the country at many Wealth Expos as well as many Traders Expos, been interviewed on the Robin Dayne Elite Masters of Trading Radio Show, and is the former moderator of the FuturesTalk chat room.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Barry_Burns

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

Bear Market Candlestick Pattern Mastery - Master These Patterns and You Will Love Bear Markets

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You need to admit when you're in a bad trade early on and get out of the position quickly. When you recognize bearish candlestick pattern signals immediately, you can act promptly to limit your losses. Here are some of the most reliable reversal candlestick patterns leading into a bearish market:

* Bearish Abandoned Baby - 3 candle reversal formation; in uptrend, a long white candle forms and the 2nd day gaps up to create a Doji or Spinning Top. The 3rd day gaps down and creates a long black candle.
* Dark Cloud Cover - 2 candle reversal; a white day is followed by a gap up in the morning. The market falls throughout the 2nd day with the close below the midpoint of the 1st day.
* Evening Doji Star - 3 candles; same as Bearish Abandoned Baby except with a shorter 3rd day
* Evening Star - 3 candles; same as Evening Doji Star except with a Spinning Top instead of a Doji
* Three Inside Down - 3 candle reversal; in an uptrend, a white and black Harami forms and the 3rd day opening is about the midpoint of the 2nd day. It trades down and closes outside the range of the 1stday.
* Three Outside Down - 3 candle pattern; in an uptrend, the 1st two days are an engulfing pattern. The 3rd day closes below the range of the 2nd day.

The following are some moderately reliable bearish candlestick patterns:

* Bearish Advance Block - 3 white candles consecutively open within the previous candle body. Each closes higher than the last but is consecutively shorter with a longer upper shadow than the previous candle.
* Deliberation - 3 candles form similar to the Bearish Advance Block, except the 3rd day is a Spinning Top gapping up and can be either black or white.
* Downside Tasuki Gap - 3 candles; 1st two days are black with a gap in between. On the 3rd day it opens within the body of the 2nd day and trades up into the gap but does not close it.
* Dragonfly Doji - 1 candle has all shadow and no body. The open and close are at the top of the day's range.
* Engulfing - 2nd day candle completely engulfs the range of the 1st day
* Gravestone Doji - 1 candle has all shadow and no body. The open and close are at the bottom of the day's range.
* Hangman - 1 candle is short with a long shadow on the bottom
* Meeting the Lines - In an uptrend, a long white candle is followed by a gap up in the opening. Trading continues lower to form a long 2nd day black candle that closes the same as that of the 1st day.

Finally, here are some of the only slightly reliable bearish candlestick patterns:

* Belt Hold - 1 candle reversal; in an uptrend, a long black candle forms with no upper shadow
* Bearish Harami - 2 candle reversal; often the start of Three Inside Down; long white candle followed by a smaller, engulfed black one
* Harami Cross - 2 candle reversal; in an uptrend, a long white candle forms and the 2nd day is a doji completely within the body of the 1st day
* Shooting Star - 1 candle reversal; a gap above the prior trend occurs with a small body and a long shadow on top
* Tweezers Top - 2 candle reversal similar to the Harami Cross without the doji; 1st and 2nd day highs are the same with a 2nd day pullback

Differences Between Forex and Other Markets

Forex (FX) traders rely heavily on candlestick charts. However, the patterns express themselves differently in the currency markets. For example, there are no gaps when trading in FX. This can create some confusion as two normally different patterns may express themselves similarly on a Forex candlestick chart.

A Harami Cross and the first two days of an Evening Star will look very different on the stock exchange but identical to one another on FX. One is a weak bearish candlestick pattern signal while the other is a very rare but strong reversal pattern. Two patterns with basically the same meaning (Bearish Abandoned Baby and Evening Star) look exactly the same in FX.

In both markets, a Shooting Star looks like an Inverted Hammer. But these are in very different positions based on the trend leading up to the relevant candle. The Shooting star will be at the long end of a bullish trend signaling a bearish reversal. An Inverted Hammer will be at the bottom of a bearish trend where the bulls take over.

Bear market candlestick reversal patterns are probably more important to understand than their bull market counterparts. The key again to these patterns is to enter with both a correction in mind as well as a full blown reversal. Fibonacci analysis will help in determining these levels. For a complete guide to mastering these techniques visit our site at http://www.candlestickgenius.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Deaton

Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Join Day Trading Forums to Become a Better Stock Trader

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Day trading in the stock market can be a very risky business if you do not possess the proper knowledge and tools to become successful. One of the best tools you can use to be successful is to join a stock day trading forum. These investment forums are a great place where you can meet and discuss with other day traders on all matters related to profiting in the stock market.

The members of most daytrading forums can help you out and make you become a better trader. If you are an inexperienced day trader, you should join a daytrading forum right away! To be successful in this industry, it is going to take a lot of patience and discipline. The other experienced trader members of the forum can provide you with the assistance you need to get started in the industry.

The good thing about joining a forum for advice is that they are free. You can sign up for an account for free and there are people there helping you right away. Most day traders are very friendly and will share insider trading secrets with you if you are willing to contribute back. You need to make contacts there and discuss with them to become a better trader.

In addition to using a daytrading forum for tutoring and guidance, you should also create a play money account to practice trading before you get your feet wet in the real market. Once you start profiting using practice accounts, you should then do it for real money.

For more daytrading advice to make big profit in the stock market, visit: http://www.daytradingadvice.net.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Siu_Kong

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Technical Analysis Training

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When traders embark on their technical analysis training voyage, they usually believe that the challenge will be to learn a lot of technical tools. And they usually seek out who they believe to be an "expert."

However the idea is to develop your own way of looking at the market, and to get comfortable with this vision, and with the patterns which you see, and to learn to identify them and to get comfortable with them so that you can repeat them over and over again.

The most important part of technical analysis training is really personal self-study and building personal awareness.

But whether you learn enough of another's vision or if you create your own from scratch, you can become comfortable with them to the exclusion of all others, and so you can follow your understanding wherever it leads, without listening to other voices and other inputs.

To become a really good trader you have to learn how to isolate yourself from outside influences. Remember that the world is reacting to energy terminations, and that the crowd of people will be at extremes when you are preparing to take action in the opposite direction. This means that you must be in a mental state such that you are able to do things that most people will not do, because they are afraid to act against the crowd, or they are unable to see the alternate course of action because they are asleep, and unaware of the reality of the market action that is unfolding. In our view the key to this optimal mental state is awareness + monitoring + -observing, and it is a specific and learnable talent.

Let us talk about the nature of probability, and its relationship to technical analysis training, and how to go about conducting research, and the need for such research, and the value it has for us as traders in terms of our financial outcomes.

The tools of technical analysis can be so accurate that it sometimes seems as if they are infallible. Some beginning traders start to think that every support will hold, and every trend termination is the time to jump in. Of course life is not that simple. If the market could be completely and accurately predicted in advance there would be no market, and computers could figure it all out. There would be no difference of opinion between buyers and sellers, and there would be no winners and losers and everyone would have the same amount of money. The market is infinitely complex and has the ability to do anything. It is pure in its simplicity, and the major difficulty is that our perception and interpretation is fallible.

Most people only rarely have sufficient awareness to note this simplicity, since our perceptions are usually clouded with various preconceptions and influences. But patterns do exist, and some of these patterns have a high potential for repeating themselves, since energy can and does repeat itself. The trick is learning how to tell when a pattern is holding, and how to tell when it is not holding. And furthermore, to learn how often a pattern will hold or break when viewed in a large sample size. The tools are accurate and effective -- but on a percentage basis. The odds are on our side, not the guarantee of success on any single trade.

The true key to technical analysis training is to do your personal research carefully so that you understand how the patterns that you see will act when considered n a large sample size.

Peter Markham I invites you to take advantage of his 30 years practical experience as a Forex and commodities trader. If you are searching for technical analysis training courses, Peter can help. He has written widely on the subject and has consulted with private funds and investment offices world-wide.

Click on the link for a free sample lesson of Peter's favorite technical analysis training course.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Markham

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

Stop Hunting - Where to Place Stops

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Know this fact that stop hunting takes place all times, all days and every day and there are some brokers who specialize in stop hunting for short term gains. It is amusing that some brokers preach the benefits of placing tight stops to their clients as a way to control risk, but in actual reality what they want is stop levels to shoot for.

Tight stops usually hurt as there is always noise in the markets what you call sudden random moves that easily wipe out 10 pips stops.

Now there are some ideal times for the brokers to do stop hunting, times like when the markets are thin and have high volatility and low liquidity. Rollover hours are also best for stop hunting when novice traders unsuspectingly place short term trades to take advantage of the roll over interests, only to see their trades blown out by the brokers and dealers.

Where To Place Stops?

The intra day forex market is full of noise and random moves. Price tends to jump 10-20 pips apparently for no reason at all and many traders find their stops been constantly tripped even though the market is moving in the direction that they had anticipated. Now this is what the professional traders do! They make their stop loss order invisible to their brokers by leaving them on their computers. However, this requires their trades to be constantly monitored until the preferred outcome is achieved.

Using a Trailing Stop Loss Order for short term trading is also of no use as once you place a trailing stop, you lose control of your trade and the trade may close at a random number that has nothing to do with the price action. Place the trailing stop too close and you are out too quick and place it too far and you will lose profits if the price action retraces itself quickly. With more experience you will learn that placing fixed stops often hurts more than help. What you need is dynamic stops using Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands or SARs. If you really want to risk shield your forex trades than watch these 4 FREE Forex Day Trading Risk Eraser videos by Bill Poulos.

Mr. Ahmad Hassam has done Masters from Harvard University. Watch the 4 FREE Forex Day Trading Risk Shield Videos by Bill Poulos. Get these FREE Forex Scalping Cheatsheets just now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ahmad_A_Hassam

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

The Big Figure Trade

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Your FCM or forex broker has to act as a counterparty for each trade that you make providing you with liquidity. Now this can become a problem for the FCM or the broker when the market is thin and illiquid. The FCM or the broker cannot immediately offset the position in the interbank market.

The Big Figure Trade is an example of how you can take advantage of your retail FCM or broker limitation in times of thin and illiquid markets. Now if you have been trading, you know this that the market is every now and then testing a certain level. This level maybe a well defined Fibonacci level, a trendline or maybe even a big figure.

During intraday sharp price moves, the market will reach a certain level where traders believe it cannot go higher. Now most of the price action in the currency markets is self fulfilling. Most trader by instinct try to initiate short positions around a big figure placing their stops very close to it making the erroneous assumption that the overbought market will not have the energy to push past that big number.

But you are not alone, your FCM or the broker is also watching the situation and if too many traders place their stop loss close to a big figure number, they will mount a stop hunting attack. Now, it is essential that you understand the psychology of the other traders as well as your FCM. Bill Poulos has released his Forex Income Engine 2.0. He says that with his course you can reach a 4-5 figure part time monthly income. He is offering 60 days RISK FREE trial as well as payment in three installments. Bill is a highly respected trader, educator and a mentor. What he can teach, no one else can. He is also providing you with 8 weeks of FREE personal coaching on how to trade forex. His Forex Income Engine 2.0 teaches three ways to trade forex.

You need to watch the 4 FREE Flexible Forex Day Trading Videos that show Bill trading forex while taking his breakfast and lunch. Yeah, it can be that easy to triple your profits if you know the right tricks. Don't miss these 4 free forex training videos.

Mr. Ahmad Hassam has done Masters from Harvard University. Watch the 4 FREE Flexible Forex Day Trading Videos by Bill Poulos that show how to risk shield you forex trades and triple your profits. Get these FREE Forex Scalping Cheatsheets!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ahmad_A_Hassam

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

The Golden Rules to Make You a Success in the Stock Market

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I assume that when you click in this article, you are having the desire to make money in stock market. From my personal experience, I suggest that the most lucrative way to earn in stock market online is through stock day trading. However, to be honest with you, to be rich overnight through stock day trading is impossible, and unwise to think that. As a novice, you have to learn from ground up and eventually will gain your financial freedom. The following guidelines are the golden rules for you who wish to trade in stock market.

As you know, positive long term stock investment is able to generate profits with the range up to 10 percent per annum if you persist on a particular healthy stock pick. While stock day trading is able to generate a sound profit by a trading day time or even shorter. Hence, if you are able to master the professional skill of day trading, it will be much more effective in earning than long term investment.

Due to the variety of business registered nowadays, stock market provides numerous choices and opportunities. This trend provides better opportunities for day traders to "refine" and "extract" the most profitable stock picks. There are wide spread of stocks which become "hot stock" every week comply with the rapid changing business weather, such as biotech, green energy, online media, mass communication and healthcare sectors.

The most crucial factors I would like to advocate here are the liquidity and volatility of the stock when you doing day trading. In laymen term, high liquidity means high trading frequency while high volatility equals to high trading price range. Neglect those stock picks with minimum price movement and not catching eye ball of traders.

The other mindset should be embraced is to be persistent in implementing your trading discipline. Choose a sound and good strategy, apply the most important content and stick to the basic for good. I will suggest that you may be flexible to deal with unexpected circumstances, however, do not emotionally or simply alter your strategy, this will cause the disastrous outcome.

Last but not least, even though with the help of advance technology stock trading system or well planned strategy, one must understand that trading in the volatile and highly fluctuating stock market involves certain level of risk. You may minimize it but you are not able to completely get rid of risk taking. My personal advise is that do not involves your personal emergency reserve with day trading. Trade with your extra money and this will also allow you to make bold but accurate decision at critical timing.

You can learn the Day Trading Secret for free or download the trading system that set me free from financial burden from below:

Visit this website: http://www.squidoo.com/Day-Trading-Tips-Secret for more FREE comprehensive knowledge about day trading that will permanently set you free from financial burden!

If you are tired of office life, rat racing for living and those suffocated life style. You should learn the knowledge of stock day trading free or download the trading system that set me free from financial burden here: Be the Winner in Financial Racing!.

The most lucrative and attractive way of earning cash in a short period of time is day trading. Not many people aware that there are some individuals claim it as their full time and professional occupation. Nowadays, many people dreaming of joining the task force to share the benefit of earning fast in the stock market

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Letterman

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

A Put Option Payoff in the Future? Down is the New Up in Options Day Trading

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Getting access to a lucrative put option payoff will be difficult for traders not fortunate enough to have a full access margin trading account. The rest of the traders in the stock market who do have the ability to act on put options may have some significant opportunities ahead given the continuing shocks to the economy. Most of the market has had a significant run up since the lows of March however clearly the results have yet to reach main street. This portends a likely shift of funds out of stocks once the current rally loses steam and investors seek to lock in gains before the levy breaks, sending stock prices downward.

A Put Option Payoff on Market Indices Could Be on the Horizon

The late year rally in the Dow Jones and S&P 500 have been welcome news to investors with retirement accounts and 401Ks invested in those indices. Wise investors are taking advantage of the gains and present market liquidity by re-balancing money out of those stock funds and into safe havens such as money market funds, treasuries, and high return CDs. A put option payoff on trading positions held in these indices seems likely given the economic storm still roiling at home and two wars continuing overseas.

Economic Storm Clouds Still Brewing - Reform Initiatives Stalled While Expensive Wars Continue

President Obama has been caught between a rock and a hard place in trying to make headway on domestic fronts while trying to manage two problematic war efforts. His health care initiative - designed to save money on treatments while expanding overall coverage is moving like molasses through the halls of Congress. Meanwhile 30,000 more troops are engaging in the Afghan war effort - costly in terms of both managerial and monetary resources. This leaves less money and managerial bandwidth for much needed reform efforts and stimulus spending.

Put Options Traders See Opportunity

Given the challenges facing the economy at home and abroad the market seems destined for periodic pull-backs off recent highs. Those with access to the short side of stocks (via short selling of stocks or buying puts) will have the best opportunity to take advantage of the downswings.

Those not able to access put options directly might consider using a retail binary options broker as a low cost, fast paced, high return way of participating in the stock market. This is particularly true in regard to using puts on major indices like the Dow Jones, Nasdaq, and S&P 500.

To learn more about put option trading generally, see our example of a put option payoff scenario.

Steve Wise

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_B_Wise

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

The Department of Labor, the Federal Reserve, the University of Michigan and various other entities issue important economic reports regularly that

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Day Traders who are looking to maximize their opportunities on the ASX top 20 need to consider a couple of key points before jumping on board with any CFD broker. As a day trader you need to consider your main objectives and work out how your goals can be met and which broker can best satisfy those goals.

Day Trading for Small gains on large positions

One trading style that day traders apply is to look at the ASX top 20 stocks and trade on a good deal of leverage and look for small gains on the stock price either long or short. If this is your trading style then you are going to have to rely on a CFD broker that doesn't requote regularly as you'll struggle to get out when the heat is on.

Frustration with CFD brokers giving requites

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to get out of a large position relative to the current market depth and finding your CFD broker offering you the infamous requite. You try to get out at $22.50 and they tell you its not available but $22.45 is. How very frustrating.

But the true volume on the ASX says there is enough volume

Even more frustrating is when you run your CFD broker's platform side by side with a proper Webiress streaming data feed and realize that you only want to sell 6,000 CFDs at $22.50 and there are 15,000 available. You keep trying to hit the 15,000 only to get requite after requite. Your blood boils at this stage and you realize that getting out at $22.50 is now not an option. You either have to wait and be patient in the hope that enough depth with your CFD broker will get you out or take the lower price, some $300 away. $300 in slippage is a cost you'd rather not have to consider.

Overcoming the requotes as a day trader

Market Maker CFD brokers may not be your best option if you are looking for speed of transaction in a transparent fashion. To overcome the requotes you will need to consider trading with a Direct Market Access CFD broker who is 100% transparent in the market. WYSIWYG or what you see is what you get is one way to describe a Direct Market Access (DMA) broker as you can see 100% of your orders right into the market and you can also see the exact number of people at each level of market depth. This isn't to say that a Market Maker model won't serve you well, but instead to point out that you'll never get a frustrating requite with a Direct Market Access CFD broker.

Action: Discover the Universal Trading Strategy that can be used across all market conditions and all market time frames. This one Universal Truth has the ability to Free your Mind as it sets the foundation of all Successful Trading Plans.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_Jessen

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

News Trading - Know When Important Economic Reports Are Issued Before You Start Your Day Trading

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The Department of Labor, the Federal Reserve, the University of Michigan and various other entities issue important economic reports regularly that impact the markets! As a day trader, before you start your trading day you must know what reports are scheduled for that day. You should always be aware of the news events that lie ahead. You can get this information free by googling the keyword, " Economic Calender."

Financial newspapers and magazines like the Barrons also detail this information. Barrons, a financial newspaper that is published weekly does a very good job of detailing the financial reports of the past week as well as for the upcoming week with the forecast how the market will respond when the anticipated news comes out. So you must always know what economic reports are being scheduled so that you are not taken unaware.

It is always wise that you stay away from the market and don't trade when some of these important economic reports like the NFP Report or the FOMC Release that are considered to be important market movers and shakers are issued so that you are not caught on the wrong side of the market.

Often when these important economic reports are released their will be a quick and strong reaction by the market. You cannot predict in which direction the market will move! The first five minutes after the economic report release are very important so don't trade in the first five minutes. However, some traders have made news trading their forte! News trading is highly risky but if you know how to do it, it can be highly profitable!

Mr. Ahmad Hassam has done Masters from Harvard University. Download your FREE Forex News Trading Report by Henry Liu. He tells everything how he trades the news! Meet the High Velocity Market Master HVMM and get your FREE copy of the Ultimate Day Trading System that can trade stocks, forex and futures!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ahmad_A_Hassam

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Day Trading Hot Tip - What is the Best Computer Setup When Day Trading the World's Markets?

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Day traders live and die with clean and accurate data that is delivered in the fastest possible fashion. Without access to fast streaming data, day traders are doing to be left behind missing crucial points left, right and centre. Today we'll take a look at the best computer set up for Day traders trading any market around the world.

Day Traders need to invest in the right Monitors

With talk about flexible hours, no boss and the ability take time off whenever you want, day trading seems to stack up as the ultimate way to multiply your money. Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth and many day traders will tell you they spend upwards of 10-14 hour days in front of the PC. For this very reason it is critical that you have crystal clear monitors with plenty of size to them, given the fact that you'll be staring at these things for a long, long time. Anything on or above 24 inches should be fine. Further to this you'll need to consider at a minimum a dual monitor set up or perhaps 4 or even more. I've heard of some day traders who have up to 10 monitors spread over 3-4 computers. Incredible.

Day Traders require speed of information

Next on the radar for your computer set up when day trading is the speed with which you get your information and the speed at which your trading programs run. Here we're talking about your internet connection speed, Amount of RAM and your computer's main processor.

Internet connection

It goes without saying that a day trader requires access to information and they want it fast. Trading decisions are made quickly and so a fast internet connection (cable, ADSL2+ or a T1) is essential. Never mind paying a bit more for the faster speed as it all counts.

Enough processing power and to set the world on fire

Intel have some pretty incredible chips and their Core 2 Duo chipsets are some of the fastest available on the market and incredible well priced. You could move up to the quad core processor but its truly not going to help you on the day trading front. Quad Core processors are best suited for high intensity activities like Photoshop or video rendering so don't go overboard here getting a quad core just because you reckon that 4 cores is better than 2.

Ample RAM is important for a Day Trader running multiple applications

Having enough RAM is a key component as well and you need to keep on top of what's the ideal amount at the time of purchase. Make sure you get a motherboard that allows you to upgrade as time passes. RAM allows your PC to process multiple functions at once and do the important grunt work. If you do a lot of backtesting using programs like Tradesim, Metastock, AMI Broker or Wealth-Lab, then grab lots of RAM.

Action: Discover the Universal Trading Strategy that can be used across all market conditions and all market time frames. This one Universal Truth has the ability to Free your Mind as it sets the foundation of all Successful Trading Plans.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_Jessen

Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

Four Steps to Avoid Buying High and Selling Low

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Trading success has been said to depend more on your personal psychology of trading with respect how you lose than on what you make. That sounds pretty negative, but it is the advice given over and over by skilled, successful investors and traders. So what up?

Sure, you've heard the advice to cut your losses and let your gains run. Everyone has. Yet, who hasn't gotten that one just backward?

Buying at the top and selling at the bottom has to be the favorite way to lose money for most people. It is every investor's psychological challenge.

It's how the markets fulfill their apparent mission of making the most people wrong the most times.

Holding out hope that an investment or trading position will turn itself around and you won't have to take a loss is more common for most of us than cutting the loss early. Same with taking our money off the table when we start to get gains. (No one ever went broke taking a profit, right? Wrong!) Put the two together and you've got the pair of evil bookends that keep most of us from making significant money consistently.

If everyone really knows this, why do so many people fall into the trap?

Psychology 101 would have us think that since behavior that is rewarded tends to be repeated and behavior that is not rewarded or is punished tends to be avoided. If that's true, and I believe that it is, it doesn't seem to make sense that people buy at the top and get out at the bottom over and over and over.

The answer has got to be that we are repeating behaviors that are rewarding and avoiding ones that aren't. It's just that we are looking in the wrong places for the rewards and punishments. And, as best I can tell, the central issues center on how you cope with uncertainty and with timing.

The right side of any chart, be it in stocks, options, bonds, or commodities, is empty. It is painfully empty. Neither you nor I knows what's going to happen in the future and that gnaws at us. It is uncomfortable. It doesn't feel good.

Back to Psych 101, this is a situation ripe for a negative reinforcer to come along and offer us a way out. Negative reinforcement is not punishment. Rather it occurs when we are in an unpleasant situation and we have the option of doing something that makes it stop. If every time you walk out your front door a dripping gutter dumps water down your neck and you avoid it by going out the back door, you are more likely to go out the back door. Not getting water down your neck when you go out the back door is the negative reinforcement.

So there you are, not sure where the price of a stock is going next, not in because you aren't sure, unhappy because others are in and making money. Your basic psychological systems are screaming "get me out of this discomfort" and the most immediate way out is to buy something. Problem solved! (And once you're in, the whole thing works in the reverse.)

Problem solved in the short term that is. The existential angst if you will is right here, right now. The potential gain from sticking to our plan, the profit, is out there somewhere in the future.

From the longer term perspective by the time not being in the market got uncomfortable enough that you felt like you had to do something it was very likely too late and you got in near the top. The smart money was already taking money off the table. Then the roller coaster starts to reverse the process and it all happens over again in the mirror image. Hello red ink for us, the weak hands as the pros call us!

So, what to do?

The broad outline is pretty simple:

* Develop a trading/investing plan that takes a longer term view and limits losses while letting gains run.
* Expect your gut to try to get you to deviate from your plan.
* Have a set routine you go through when you feel yourself wavering from the plan.
* Focus your evaluations of how you are doing on how well you traded/invested according to your plan, not on the particular outcome.

Simple to say, hard to do, but it's what you have to do to elude the two-headed monster that causes us to buy high and sell low. Pogo hit it dead on when he said that "We have met the enemy and they are us."

John W. Clark is an individual investor with an interest in finding and exploiting the personal edges that come with each investor and trader's situation. He writes the StockSpinoffBlog that focuses on value investing through stock spinoff situations

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_W_Clark

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Developing Stock Market Trading Systems

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There are as many stock market trading systems in the world as there are traders, or at least it often seems like there is. This is primarily due to the fact that each investor has their own needs, goals and objectives which their personal approach must support.

Consider that stock market trading systems can be designed around creating current cash flow or simply accumulating capital over the long term. They might also involve hedging against loss or risking a great deal for a big return. There are all kinds of goals, and the many different and individualized stock market trading systems exist because of this simple fact.

If you are interested in beginning the process of developing a system for your stock market investments you must first understand your capabilities, the amount of risk you are comfortable in taking, and the various approaches that you have open to you.

For example, you may already be the happy owner of many long-term holdings, but you might be looking for some additional sources of revenue. You could contact a day trader who can provide profit through a large number of small daily gains (if you are comfortable with the risks involved), you could meet with a value investor who can help you develop a plan to capitalize on many long-term financial trends, or you could begin doing a few small investments on your own to explore the various opportunities.

All of these approaches could be used as exclusive systems, or they could be combined to create a diverse approach to economic growth. The thing to remember is that you must identify your goals, understand the rate of return necessary, and invest only the capital that you can afford to put in jeopardy. There are no risk-fee systems, there are simply plans that can reduce and hedge risk to minimal levels.

For example, among all of the various trading systems there is one that almost anyone can quickly understand and enter into without assuming too much risk. This is something known as "options trading", and it can involve the purchase and sale of stocks, but is geared more towards the creation of special contracts that can reward the investor based strictly on a stock's performance. Many savvy investors use options trading as a sort of insurance against loss, but also to yield reliable returns on the current market conditions, regardless of whether they are "bearish" or "bullish". This is often considered a system in its own right, but it can also be incorporated into an overall plan as well.

Options Trading International offers the premier option trading system available online today. Whether you're looking to change careers or just want to learn options trading, come to Options Trading International for the best options trading system and education available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Summer

Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Getting an Option Trading Education

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There is an old adage that the best way to learn is "by doing", but this is not necessarily a universal truth. Consider those who jump into the financial markets without any underlying knowledge or experience. More often than not they see their small nest eggs disappear almost instantly and their hopes dashed. With something as simple as an option trading education, however, these same people could have started small and slowly learned how to craft a successful portfolio that had a ton of risk management built into it.

In the modern world there are many different ways that people can enjoy the learning process. There are colleges offering degree programs entirely through the online experience, there are seminars sponsored by a huge number of organizations and institutions, and there are also self-guided study programs available on the Internet or through the purchase of software packages.

For someone hoping to get an option trading education the choices are quite diverse. The Chicago Board Option Exchange makes all kinds of educational and informational materials available through their website, but so too do many other groups and organizations as well, including colleges, financial companies, and even some brokerages.

What would something like an option trading education actually involve? There are many varieties, terms, models, strategies and theories around options trading, and it behooves anyone who intends to seriously enter into the markets to know as much as possible.

While some people think that they can accurately gauge which direction an index, commodity, or particular stock might be heading, to make a savvy option investment requires a great deal more than just a valid opinion. For one thing, a good investor needs to know all about the "moneyness" of their decision. They must also consider the time until the investment expires, and any possibility for unexpected volatility.

All of this translates to a need for education, and someone who hopes to financially flourish in this particular area is going to have to really understand where to find accurate data and information about those underlying assets for which they intend to purchase options. They must also know the right strategies for any point in time. Consider that a level market that is viewed as somewhat neutral can still yield returns if the investor understands the various approaches available to them.

A good and thorough education is going to look at the buying and selling of options, the various strategies, the vast range of terminology required, and the most modern approaches to actually beginning to participate in trading.

Options Trading International offers the premier option trading system available online today. Whether you're looking to change careers or just want to learn options trading, come to Options Trading International for the best options trading system and education available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Summer

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

How to Explain the Adventure of Option Trading

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Before jumping into any new form of investment, it is important that you are able to thoroughly understand the activity. For instance, can you explain option trading? If it is something that you will direct your nest egg or income towards, you must be able to understand exactly what it entails.

Someone who is able to explain option trading will certainly have a very clear understanding of the basic terminology, procedures, and strategies. This is not as simple or even as "basic" as it sounds. Option trading is a somewhat unique approach to leveraging information and creating a certain level of risk management, and it doesn't even have to involve the purchase of a single stock, security or commodity.

If you can explain options trading clearly and in very few words then you are probably a good candidate to begin participating in this lucrative approach to investing immediately. If you find that an explanation is a bit too difficult to tackle, however, you may want to spend some time doing research, participating in a few classes or seminars, and developing a much clearer and adequate base of knowledge before you make your first investments.

One major mistake made by millions of investors is to simply hand over their hard-won income to a trader or brokerage without first understanding what is going to be done with their money. Even if a financial professional explains what portion of the portfolio is going to be directed at options trading, it is not good enough if the actual investor doesn't really know what it means.

So, what is a basic explanation of options trading? Without entering into a huge amount of detail, suffice it to say that an option is a contract between a buyer and a seller. The buyer is purchasing the "right" to buy or sell at least one hundred shares of an underlying asset (which could be a stock, commodity, or other financial vehicle) at a predetermined price. The seller or "writer" is obligated to honor the terms of the contract.

How does this work in the world of financial trading? It is actually very simple - let's say you are a buyer who believes a particular stock is going to rise in value by a certain time period. You approach a writer in order to purchase a "call option" to buy that stock at a fixed price before a certain date. If you exercise the option you can purchase that stock for the guaranteed price, or you can just sell your option for the profit. While that is the most streamlined and overly simplified explanation, it does indicate the way that options can be used to leverage risk.

Options Trading International offers the premier option trading system available online today. Whether you're looking to change careers or just want to learn options trading, come to Options Trading International for the best options trading system and education available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Summer

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

How to Explain the Adventure of Option Trading

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Before jumping into any new form of investment, it is important that you are able to thoroughly understand the activity. For instance, can you explain option trading? If it is something that you will direct your nest egg or income towards, you must be able to understand exactly what it entails.

Someone who is able to explain option trading will certainly have a very clear understanding of the basic terminology, procedures, and strategies. This is not as simple or even as "basic" as it sounds. Option trading is a somewhat unique approach to leveraging information and creating a certain level of risk management, and it doesn't even have to involve the purchase of a single stock, security or commodity.

If you can explain options trading clearly and in very few words then you are probably a good candidate to begin participating in this lucrative approach to investing immediately. If you find that an explanation is a bit too difficult to tackle, however, you may want to spend some time doing research, participating in a few classes or seminars, and developing a much clearer and adequate base of knowledge before you make your first investments.

One major mistake made by millions of investors is to simply hand over their hard-won income to a trader or brokerage without first understanding what is going to be done with their money. Even if a financial professional explains what portion of the portfolio is going to be directed at options trading, it is not good enough if the actual investor doesn't really know what it means.

So, what is a basic explanation of options trading? Without entering into a huge amount of detail, suffice it to say that an option is a contract between a buyer and a seller. The buyer is purchasing the "right" to buy or sell at least one hundred shares of an underlying asset (which could be a stock, commodity, or other financial vehicle) at a predetermined price. The seller or "writer" is obligated to honor the terms of the contract.

How does this work in the world of financial trading? It is actually very simple - let's say you are a buyer who believes a particular stock is going to rise in value by a certain time period. You approach a writer in order to purchase a "call option" to buy that stock at a fixed price before a certain date. If you exercise the option you can purchase that stock for the guaranteed price, or you can just sell your option for the profit. While that is the most streamlined and overly simplified explanation, it does indicate the way that options can be used to leverage risk.

Options Trading International offers the premier option trading system available online today. Whether you're looking to change careers or just want to learn options trading, come to Options Trading International for the best options trading system and education available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Summer

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Choosing an Option Trading Course

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How much do you know about option trading? Can you explain the difference between "long" and "short" or between "call" and "put"? If so, can you offer a good description of the right strategies to use during a "bear market"? What about a neutral issue? What are your suggestions for such an item? While these questions or issues offer only a narrow sampling of the kinds of things a good options trader should eventually understand, they do indicate the need for comprehensive and ongoing education. This means that some sort of training or coursework is necessary for someone to become a flourishing trader.

So, if you hope to have any measurable level of success in options trading you are going to have to have a thorough understanding of the many terms and concepts that it involves. For this, most experienced or successful investors have used some sort of formal option trading course. Currently, people can access online seminars, real-time courses, and even complete software packages that provide both educational and investment resources. Most programs will instruct students in the subject, and then supply them with additional tools to help them obtain their goals. Such tools might include spreadsheets, analytical resources and links, and even newsletters or updates about market activities.

An option trading course is not going to ever be the "on size fits all" variety of training, however, and it is going to really pay for any investor to do a bit of research around the subject matter and topics to be covered. Obviously, a true novice is going to benefit greatly from any comprehensive option trading course or materials, but someone with pre-existing experience is going to gain far more from a course that provides details about innovative research resources, new strategies, and even training in market assessment.

How do you know which course to choose? Start by trying to explain options trading. Is this something that is very easy for you to do? If so, go ahead and consider what your personal goals happen to be where options trading is concerned. For example, do you want to find a way to develop a strategy or eliminate losses? Perhaps you want to transition from the role of "holder" to that of a "writer" and don't know how? With targeted goals it becomes easier to scour the Internet and local resources for the right kinds of training options, seminars, and courses.

Options Trading International offers the premier option trading system available online today. Whether you're looking to change careers or just want to learn options trading, come to Options Trading International for the best options trading system and education available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Summer

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

How to Learn Day Trading

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The advent and spread of the Internet has created a host of new opportunities for those who want to work from home, or even for those who want to use their computers to make a bit of extra income. This is the reason that millions of people have set out to learn day trading practices and techniques.

Once the exclusive domain of large financial firms or professional brokers, day trading has become an almost casual activity performed by a huge array of people. It involves both buying and selling of specific financial instruments which are then traded during that same business day. While traders who actively buy and sell stocks, bonds, commodities and other financial vehicles are not always day traders, both groups will generally be doing many of the same things.

Consider that someone who wants to learn day trading is going to have to acquire a thorough understanding of options trading, but so too is someone who works for a financial or investment firm as well. Interestingly enough, options tend to be a major focus of day traders. This is because they are often not "exercised" but are instead sold for a profit or to reduce loss.

When you learn day trading techniques you will begin to quickly see that there are a bevy of techniques that can be either extremely high or low risk. The significant thing to understand is that no approach can be achieved without advanced knowledge and understanding. Even something as clear-cut and simple as options trading needs to be thoroughly understood before anyone can begin their career as a day trader who handles such investments throughout their work day.

Fortunately, there are all kinds of educational resources readily available for those who would like to begin to study the markets and develop a few strategies to use in order to work in day trading. The first place to look is the Internet, and today's students will find online seminars, study courses, an enormous array of classes, and even pre-packaged software options that allow someone to study at their own pace but with the help of many built-in features.

Although some view day trading as a somewhat informal approach to the financial markets which do not require employment to enjoy; if someone hopes to establish themselves as a formal trader they will have to meet specific regulations. For this, and many other reasons, it is vitally important to understand all of the facets of day trading before beginning to perform it on a regular basis.

Options Trading International offers the premier option trading system available online today. Whether you're looking to change careers or just want to learn options trading, come to Options Trading International for the best options trading system and education available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Summer

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

An Option Trading System For Anyone

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Whether you are a beginner or an experienced options trader, it is likely that you see all kinds of offers, websites, and publications that promise to deliver the optimal option trading system. Do you think this is possible? Could a single set of steps be used over and over again to generate wealth and provide top-notch results?

If you have already been experimenting in the markets you know that the answer to those questions is going to be both yes and no. This is because market conditions are never consistent, and a single system or approach cannot always meet the needs or goals of every single investor. There are some approaches, however, that can implement a set of steps to reduce risk and protect wealth.

While no single approach can always be used, there is a way to use an option trading system that can succeed every single time that it is implemented. This is because there are some universal strategies that can usually deliver great results. What is important about these strategies is that they have been created to meet the needs of market conditions, and it is up to the individual investor or trader to be able to recognize the conditions when they are occurring.

What all of this translates to is the fact that any option trading system requires a great deal of understanding, knowledge, and education about the financial world and about options trading in general. It also requires some planning and goal-setting if an investor and their broker are to know that their efforts are a success and that they are on the right track. Why is that? If you don't create some goals (i.e. - we want this option trade to hedge the value of this bullish stock) then you cannot measure the outcome properly.

Any sound system begins with the establishment of the basic goals or results desired. Consider that someone might implement some option trading tactics to create a stream of immediate income while someone else might be using options as a way to slowly improve their long-term capital investments. These are two very widely varying directions and they will not often be achieved through the same techniques.

For example, the person hoping to achieve a steady stream of current income is not likely to want anything to do the LEAPS (or Long Term Equity Anticipation Securities) because these tend to have expiration dates far into the future.
A good system or approach to using option trading to improve a portfolio will include some assessment, research and preparation, and will always look at the requirements of the investor as the primary guide.

Options Trading International offers the premier option trading system available online today. Whether you're looking to change careers or just want to learn options trading, come to Options Trading International for the best options trading system and education available.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Summer

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

The Role of Stock Broker Firms in Providing Intraday Tips For Stock Trading

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The stock market trading experience says loss leads the way to trading success just like learning to walk makes us run later in life. The intraday trading in stock market involves risk & the stock broker firms are increasingly coming forward to help investors earn maximum profits through intraday tips. Many people have just followed the intraday tips & become millionaires in stock trading. In addition to intraday tips, the stock broker firms also provide company analysis reports & intraday news to investors. These reports, news & share tips are particularly helpful for intraday traders who deal with buying or selling of intraday trading stocks. They can either find them displayed on the stock broker websites or get the delivery in their inbox through email or on mobile by SMS. The STBT (Sell Today Buy Tomorrow) & BTST (Buy Today Sell Tomorrow) tips for NSE/BSE stock market are included under these intraday trading tips.

The stock broker firms usually employ professional technical analysts to prepare a wholesome list of profitable intraday tips. The stock trading analysts leave no stone unturned to recommend investors share tips that will help them generate maximum profit out of share trading stocks. However, investors should make it a point to do their own research before trying out hands in any day trading. Anyways, the intraday tips are reliable & can be followed without any doubt to earn good profits from share trading & that to without incurring any loss in trading investment.

The stock broker firms invite all those interested for day trading to open a trading account with them by mere registration of email IDs & mobile numbers so that users can get latest share tips, news & company research reports on their mobile through SMS or email regularly. Some of the firms offer all these services free of cost while others used to charge certain fee for them.

The intraday trading is all about buying or selling of shares on the stock market (NSE/BSE) & reselling or buying them again before the stock trading session lapses on the same day. Those having limited money for trading investment find an attractive option in intraday trading. It does not block the investment amount during the buying or selling of shares on the same day. But the buying or selling of shares has to be made during the potential rise in the share's prices so that huge profit can be earned on the prices they are really bought for. Intraday traders follow intraday tips & use margin or leverage to make significant profits on small rise in the value of shares. According to intraday tips, most of the day trading accounts prefers to initiate trading in stocks that are 5 times the value of their accounts.

The stock broker firms are the ultimate destinations for investors searching for best & accurate share calls. They bring investors the best share market tips based on their experience & expertise. These share tips present the scenario of both losses & profit in nifty tips & stock tips before the traders. Several stock broker firms provide live BSE & NSE intraday tips so that traders can take right investment decisions.

Mr. Pankaj is a Seo Expert, providing Share Tips, Intraday Tips.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pankaj_Kumar_Singh

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Es Emini Day Trading - Welles Wilder's Continuing Legacy in Technical Trading

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Many years ago, early in my trading career, I began to gravitate from the straight support/resistance/volume trading systems and become interested in oscillators and other "exotic" indicators, as they were referred to at the time. Of course, Welles Wilder's 'New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems" was often discussed. The book was written in 1978.

I had not yet read the book.

So I went to the library to hunt down this book by arguably the greatest technical analyst of our time. I was, of course, expecting a large book with lavish charts and difficult to decipher language. But I was determined to read the book and learn a little about this area of study that Wilder was making wildly popular, much to the chagrin of the old guard and Dow theorists. Imagine my surprise when the librarian directed me to the book and it was a thinnish sort of thing, not much in the way of writing or explanation, and pretty heavy on mathematic formulae.

But what a book! And Wilder's insightful mind and thoughtful mathematic approach to trading is still resonating with traders today. The book has six individual trading systems that Wilder proposed and briefly explained the rationale behind, which, at first glance, seemed less than impressive to me at the time. You might recognize several of the names now, because they are just as relevant today as they ever were.

Wilder himself was an engineer, then a real estate broker, and finally found his groove in what then was the fairly new field of technical analysis. Yes, this thin little book I got at the library contained some of the seminal work in technical analysis because in it, he explained the theory behind his indicators which include the Relative Strength Index (RSI), Directional Movement Indicator (DMI), Average True Range (ATR), Average Directional Index (ADX), and the often misunderstood Parabolic Stop and Reverse. Many technicians consider these indicators to be the core of current technical analysis.

Thirty years later many traders have continued to use these indicators in their daily work and their popularity continues unabated, and traders have combined and cultivated the use of the indicators in ways Wilder never would have dreamed. Even more impressive, these indicators are included in every software charting package I have ever used, which is a testament to their enduring popularity and accuracy. Wilder wrote and imagined these concepts prior to the time of the truly versatile computer, which makes his achievement more impressive than ever.

With the quantification of market movement Wilder exposed the fundamental relationship between price action and the indicators ability to discern the subtle movement in prices. By implication, he was able to quantify the emotions of fear and greed and the effect they had on price action. These factors are still not fully understood, but are recognized as prime movers in the daily price action we all observe.

I would be remiss if I did not mention Wilder's later work, which in my opinion, bordered on either the greatest fraud of all time or sheer lunacy. He and Jim Sloman developed a theory of market behavior of a distinctly different flavor than his earlier work called the Delta Phenomenon. Wilder tried, with some success, to convince his admirers that the markets were actually controlled by lunar-solar-earth cycles. Based upon his past work, many individuals invested $35,000 a piece and he became (at least it is rumored) very wealthy. There are still several websites proclaiming the Delta Phenomena as a ground breaking theory for investing. Of course, Mr. Wilder and I would part ways on trading the markets based upon astrological observation. To many technical traders, the Delta Phenomena dimmed the great intellectual light of Wilder's work. The Delta Phenomena is truly some unusual stuff.

Wilder's early work is the stuff of brilliance, and I would recommend that every trader read the book, then learn the book, as a requisite to understanding modern day trading systems. Of course, my enthusiasm for his Delta Phenomena is not quite as warm. However, I feel to get a fair assessment of the man it is important, at least in summary form, to look at the body of work he produced, both good and high debatable.

I am a long time retail and institutional trader who now only trades part time, usually in the morning. I enjoy writing informational articles about my style of trading so others may benefit.

I endorse a state of the art trading program for beginners at Trading Concepts, Inc It's an awesome product that will have you well on your way to success. Plus, it has a money back guarantee...you have nothing to lose and thousands to gain.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_S._Adams

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

High Risk and Low Risk Investments - Managing Risk

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When looking at the different types of investments to put your money in it's important to understand the risks associated with each. Investment risk generally relates to the possibility of losing your money, either in the short term or the long term.

As an example the kind of factors to take into account regarding risk are:

* The risk of falling short term values.
* The risk of falling long term values.
* The risk the provider going out of business.
* The risk of making less than other asset types.
* The risk of choosing the wrong investment account, plan or fund.

These provide an idea of just some of the considerations to take into account before making an investment, although the above is by no means an exhaustive list.

In managing risk successfully and choosing the right investments for you the most important element of investing to get right is to realise that the investments have to be personal to you.

The way to do that is to manage the two primary elements of risk. They are:

* The risk of making investments that are inappropriate for your needs.
* The risk of making investments that are inappropriate for your attitude towards risk.

Taking steps to avoid the first will ensure that you have a well structured portfolio. That is, having allocated some money towards a cash reserve, short term money and long term investments. This will mean you have some cash to fall back on in times of need, some money saved for short term expenditures and some surplus assets invested for the future. Having done this you can be safe in the knowledge that your ongoing financial needs are well catered for.

Taking steps to manage the second will enable you to put together a well balanced long term portfolio that is in keeping with your own personal attitudes. Having assessed what type of investor you are and whether you would prefer mainly lower risk or mainly higher risk assets you can then start to choose what individual investments would be suitable. At this point the list above that relates to the risks associated with individual investments comes into play.

A table of high risk and low risk investments can help you to clarify in your own mind where certain investments sit on a scale of risk.

Ultimately most people will be suited to a well balanced mix of low, medium, and high risk investments. However the extent to which you invest in these levels of risk will come down to personal taste, appetite for risk, and your own financial circumstances i.e. whether you can afford the risks.

Jaskarn Pawar, Director, Investor Profile Ltd

If you are a UK investor with an ISA, Personal Pension or Unit Trust investments then Investor Profile's free online investment monitoring service could help make your life easier.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jaskarn_Pawar

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