
Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Day Trading - What is the Key to Successful Day Trading? Part 1

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In order to be successful as a day trader, and Internet daytrading more precisely, you have to have a knowledge of how the system works. In order to find out how the stock market is regulated, we have to look no further than Wall Street for the answers.

Wall Street has been trading, and making billions of dollars for the better part of 100 years, they know their stuff. Just take a walk down Wall Street and you will see huge billion-dollar brokerage firms, banks at every step and trading firms as far as the eyes can see.

But the question that we need to find out is how they make so much money? What is it that they know that we don't? And how do they go about generating billions of dollars every year trading stocks? Stocks are nothing more than promissory notes often time represented as zeros and ones on a computer system. So they are making billions trading zeros and ones on a computer screen? Well there is more to it than that.

As a day trader it is important to know where the money comes from, and where it goes, and how to profit from this information of electronic money passing from one person to another. This is important because to a less degree, the day trader will be doing the exact same thing to make a profit. So understanding of how the system works would be the first step in capitalizing on the billions in profit that passes from one hand to another. All we are asking for is a few measly fraction of a percent of this huge volume of money, not too much to ask is it?

Once you have a good handle as to how Wall Street works it is then and only then that you can start to put together a targeted strategy that you will use in your daily trades. Like any endeavor, before you take one step forward you must know what the pitfalls are, where they are located, and how to void them, all at the same time while making a profit.

Once you have an idea as to the inner works of the stock market, things like the bid ask spread will begin to make sense and will lay the foundation for differentiating between trading the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation or the (NASDAQ) now the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), but that's another story.

Like anything else knowledge is power and power can make you money. Once you have developed your knowledge as to how the system works then it will be easy to determine how to use the system to your advantage. But just be conservative with your trades at first, because there are power brokers out there that eat day traders for breakfast.

The most important key I believe to have successful trades is to have a good risk management plan and to not let emotions keep you from sticking to your plan.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Day Trading Hot Tip - Leveraging Your Way to Success Or the Poor House

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One of the most dangerous tools available to Day Traders trading Contracts for Difference, Futures or Forex is that ability to access wild amounts of leverage. Leverage is that incredible 'double edged' sword that gives you the opportunity for incredible gains on small amounts of money or unforgiveable losses with small amounts of money. Fortunately, when it comes to leverage, you the trader are always in control providing you know how to trade on leverage sensibly.

Is control really in my hands as the trader?

As the trader you have your trading account of say $10,000 which on some trading accounts like forex, will give you the opportunity to trade up to $1 million in total positions. This is referred to as 100 times leverage and if you think about it, is absolutely crazy and the closest thing you are ever going to experience to gambling without being at the casino.

Fortunately for those who trade sensibly, you'll understand that you actually do control the leverage on your account and with $10,000 you could trade up to $10,000 in total value which means you are using no leverage. The key point to illustrate here is that you can trade ridiculous levels of leverage and wipe your account out overnight, or you could trade sensibly and use the leverage to your advantage.

Can I triple the results of a trading system using leverage?

When you begin using leverage in a sensible way you'll begin to appreciate that you can maximize your returns whilst only increasing the chance of drawdown in a small way. Let's say you had a trading system that made 10% per year with no leverage. That means on your $10,000 account you would make $1,000 gross by the years end.

Imagine then if you traded that same system at 3 times leverage, which means instead of trading just $10,000 worth of position you are now trading $30,000 in total positions. Now you simply apply the exact same trading system which historically has been making 10% per year. The main difference now is that you are using a total portfolio size of $30,000 and 10% of that figure is $3,000. When you work out your return you need to base it on your $10,000 capital since that is exactly what you have. Now you can see that you are making 30% per year instead of 10% and all you did was increase the leverage to 3 times your account size.

My trading systems drawdown is not tripled...

Always remember that trading on leverage amplifies your wins and losses. In relation to your trading system making 10% per year you may have experienced a 4% drawdown at its worst point. If you trade at 3 times leverage then you can expect that your worst case drawdown will be approximately 3 times more than the unleveraged result. As a general rule, always trade smaller than what you are currently trading at.

Action: Discover the Universal Trading Strategy that can be used across all market conditions and all market time frames. This one Universal Truth has the ability to Free your Mind as it sets the foundation of all Successful Trading Plans.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_Jessen

Day Trading Penny Stocks For Big Profit

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Day trading penny stocks for big profit is easier to achieve than you think. However, It does require a bit of studying and practicing. The actual day trading of stocks is usually done within one to two hours. This would be just perfect for someone who want to make some fast profits in a short period of time from the comfort of their own home.

Long term investing in the stock market historically yields an average of less than 10% per year. That's just slightly better than putting your money in the bank. Day trading penny stocks for big profit means you should target 10% or more in profit in just a day! We all know the power of compounding interest. Imagine what would happen if you compound your profit rate at 10% a day?

How can you make big profit in day trading penny stock? The answer is very simple. You need to acquire the right knowledge and use the proper trading tools.

Microcap Feed is the definitive trading tool you need in order to day trade for big profit. It is the data source and applications for everything related to penny stocks. It has all things the day traders need in real time as it gives them the tool they need to beat the market. You owe yourself to check this tool out.

There are quite a few daytrading reports and e-books available online that will teach you the knowledge to consistently generate profit from the daily huge swings that penny stocks display. You must then practice trading using a 'play money' trading account until you feel confidant enough to get your feet wet in the real market.

Equipped with the right tool and proper knowledge, you are now better prepared than most of the traders out there and are well on your way to make big profits in day trading penny stocks!

For more day trading advice to make big profit in the stock market, visit Shaomin King's website: http://www.daytradingadvice.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Siu_Kong

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Internet Day Trading - The Internet - Your Best Friend and Your Worst Enemy

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Successful day trading depends on many different parts and components in order to work. Internet day trading relies heavily on using your computer to place trades, buy and sell in order to make a profit. Most Internet Day traders will tell you that trading online is both a blessing and a curse, one minute the Internet is your friend and the next it could be your worst enemy. As a day trader you have to make sure you use the tools to your advantage.

Trading online is the easiest way, the cheapest way, the quickest way and one of the most transparent ways to trade stocks. Most day traders use the Internet to do their buying and selling of stocks. When it comes to trading online, timing is everything, it is critical to know when to buy and when to sell, even though the Internet is fast, and the transfer of information seems real time, most in the industry will tell you that, that real-time may not always be as "real time" as you think. So bearing in mind that there could be a delay when you buy and sell its important to get in front of the wave when buying and to get off of the wave before it crashes on the shore.

Unless you have a good knowledge as to how the stock market works and what or who drives trade and set the rules you can easily become a victim of the stock market and within minutes lose everything. Most newcomers to day trading end up losing more money than they had when they first begun.

If you're starting to day trading and you're thinking about Internet day trading then there are a few things that you need to have in order to be successful. I always recommend that day traders have at least two computer systems, and keep them separate and independent of each other with broadband, or a DSL, or cable connection,the faster the better. High speed Internet can mean the difference between getting ahead of a wave and jumping on when the wave has already passed. Use a reliable Internet service provider, and check to see what the down times percentage is for your area. You want to make sure that your Internet connection is consistent, fast, and are not interrupted during peek trading hours of the day.

Shop around for a very good trading platform that have many years of experience within the industry, and deal specifically with the day traders. Before you expose your real money, do some paper trading on the platform you have chosen, to test the speed and accuracy at fulfilling your bids and requests. How long does it take to sell when you want to sell, and to buy when you need to buy? Paper trading will give you a great barometer, and a good feel for the trading platform that you choose and the tools and resources that they may have available, all without risking any of your own money.

Internet day trading, is not for the faint of heart, and your internet, and hardware, and software are a few of the element of a multifaceted industry. In addition to your Internet connection you will have to deal with things like when to buy, when to sell, late fills, Gap openings, margins calls, the bid ask spread, trading halts, and many more such moving parts in your quest to make money. Other things like mood swings, control of your emotions, frustrations, elation are things that will challenge you from day-to-day.

Internet day trading is not easy but if you can master the techniques, you can become very successful and make quite a bit of money.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

Make a Living Day Trading - Why Day Trading is Getting So Popular Part 2

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Day Trading is entering the market, making quick trades and exiting the market, sometimes several times in a day, and usually ending your trading, or selling of your stocks or position by the close of the bell.

This means you make your money for that day and you remove yourself from the market or from any risk by the end of trading day and you start afresh the following day, never leaving yourself vulnerable at the hands of the volatile stock market throughout the night.

This point and more are some of the reasons why so many people want to go into day trading. The pull to do day trading is strong in deed. If you can be successful at it, there is no better, profitable, more fulfilling, time well spent job you could ever have.

But let no one fool you the risks are high, and there are many pitfalls. I think the stock market is more volatile today than at any other time in history. Stock market segments can rapidly and without warning at a moments notice, making some people millions and others bankrupted. The new and inexperienced trader will quickly learn that day trading or trading stock for a living is not for the very emotional, or faint of heart, or the novice.

It is important to note that trading and more specifically internet day trading is risky business, and you should never expose money you can't afford to lose. That I think is your number one rule of trading. Remember that they are power brokers in Wall Street that have at their disposal millions of dollars, they are more knowledgeable than you, and they have more experience than you, these guys are the best traders in the world, and to a large degree they control the market, they are the ones that set the odds and they do not like to lose their money not even a cent. To a large degree the system is rigged and often times geared towards your failure. These Wall Street power brokers make their money at the expense of the investing public, and the small fries like you and me. Rule number two is to recognize this fact.

But if you have the knowledge and experience you can beat these power brokers at their own game, or at least ride the wave that they create. The third point is to know where to look for these waves, when to get on the wave, and when to get off.

Trading online is so popular now because never before in history can your everyday average person, use very little start up capital and create enormous wealth and financial independence, and this is a real big deal to most people drawn to day trading online.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Make a Living Day Trading - Why Day Trading is Getting So Popular Part 1

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Imagine Waking up in the morning at about nine o'clock, walking to your kitchen, grabbing a cup of tea and something to eat, walk to your computer desk, no rush-hour traffic, no boss breathing down your neck, no office politics. You haven't even changed your nighttime bed clothes, you switch on your computer, and by the end of the day you could make more money than most people make in three months. How many of us would like a job like that?

Well this is the life of most internet day traders. You dictate your own time, and you can stand to make a lot of money. No wonder daytrading has exploded within the last 5 to 6 years. The technology that we have access to and the critical information at the touch of a button make trading online all the more appealing and potentially lucrative.

There are 19 and 20-year-olds sitting around computers trading online and making more in a day than some people make in a year. This phenomenon has been going on for some time, and there are quite a few secret million years that are walk among us.

Day trading contrary to popular belief requires knowledge and skills, with luck playing a very small part. This is not gambling, day trading requires strategic techniques that often times result in profit, and lots of it. You have to ask yourself why is it that some people can make millions of dollars trading online, and others try and end up losing money instead of making money? It all comes down to knowing what to do, and when to do it. A major part of the secret to successfully day trading is having a good idea as to how the system works, and then exploring how to make it work for you.

For over 100 years, the power brokers on Wall Street have been using this system to make millions, and indeed billions at the expense of the general public. But because of the information revolution and free access to information and, high-speed Internet, and real-time software tools that are available, the playing field in a lot of regards are now level. Trading stock is now easier, quicker cheaper, and readily available to anyone with a bank account and an Internet connection.

Emerging from this phenomena is a group of internet day traders who have learned the system, and are using the system to make a killing. Internet day trading is pretty much like any other trading on the planet, it is simply buying and selling stocks using the Internet for a quick profit.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Day Trading - What is the Key to Successful Day Trading? Part 2

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If you're just starting out trading online more specifically day trading then it's always advisable to start out with low volatility stocks such as utilities and closed ended funds. This way you can develop your skills and expertise while improving your experience before jumping into the volatile but more profitable Dow Stocks like technology and momentum plays. But you must keep to your risk management plan, and keep emotions out of it.

When you're just getting started always spend at least a few weeks paper trading online before risking your own money. Paper trading is simply placing trades live in the market place but with "play money" so you will buy and sell as normal in real-time without risking any of your own money. This gives you practice and help you to understand in a practical and live manner how the stock market works, and how you make money from it. Once you have had a few trades under your belt, paper trade that is, and you feel more comfortable making money, then I always recommend that you start small with your own money. Never risk more money than you can afford to lose, this is rule number two when it comes to day trading.

Always keep your emotions outside of your trades. To not get caught up in fear of losing, or greed of gain. These two components are the driving forces of the stock market, greed and fear. If you can discipline yourself to trade outside of these emotions then you can use it to your advantage.

Use a reputable and experience Day trading platform. There are many trading platforms online, so make sure that you do your due diligence before committing to one. You will always have the opportunity to paper day trade them so you will get a feel for how quick they place your trade and how fast they sell your position. The this is important because if the market should move against you, you will want to know that you can exit a trade as quickly as possible without putting too much of your capital at risk.

Day Trading can be fun and very profitable but you must also assume the risks, and know that the markets are volatile and can change in an instant. That is why day trading appeals to so many people because you will not have your money in the market for more than a few minutes at any given time, and by the time the bell rings, you should have sold all your position and be free and clear from the market, ready to start a fresh the next day.

The second key to successful day trading is to use a reliable trading software program that has proven results in helping you to place profitable trades.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Day Trading - Is it Luck, Gambling Or Skill and Technique?

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Many people who have tried and fail at day trading will be the first to tell you that it is all just luck, or it's closer to gambling than buying and selling, but is that really true? Is it just on big black jack, poker game that favors the lucky and punishes the unlucky?

Well there are those who would argue that even professional poker player make a decent 6 to 7 figure income and that it has more to do with skill, experience and technique than luck, and that day trading is similar in this regard, taking each trade individually, and isolating it I would tend to agree, but collectively, and comprehensively, day trading has more to do with skill, knowledge and experience than luck, even when compared to poker playing at a professional level.

Day trading is just like any other business venture, whether real estate or opening a restaurant, at the end of the day there are risk involved, so the majority of the time managing your risk is the most important component of business what ever that business may be, the same is true for day trading. Day trading is different than investing and should not be confused with investing. Day traders are not investors, they are traders.

All the various components that goes into long-term market trends, market conditions and long-term investing is not what the day trader is after. Going to newspaper clippings and getting the latest news from here and there, studying graphs and charts and doing hours of research will do the day trader no good. Listening to brokers analyst this company and that company trying to predict how the market will more with this rumor are that rumor is not what day trading is all about. Most of the time the main concern for day trader is the next 5 to 10 minutes and usually nothing beyond this.

Every trade that the day trader make is well calculated, and precise, with one thing in mind to make a quick and easy profit as fast as possible. The main goal is still get in a trade make a profit and get out putting very little money and time at risk at any given moment.

Sure there will be trades that did not go according to plan and you might lose a few dollars here and there, but this scenario can be the same for any business venture that I can think of. The mean goal is to end the day with a profit. And there are quite a few day traders that do this day in day out reaping seven figures and even becoming millionaires.

I always tell people that Luck is preparation and opportunity in action. If you are prepared to take action when the opportunity arises then you can create your own luck. There are opportunities every day so everyday I am prepared to take advantage of them.

Tim Nelson has been writing articles showing people how to trade successfully online for over 8 years. His latest sites Trundle Bed Frame and Trundle Beds For Kids are not exactly about trading, but it is a helpful resource if you have kids in your life. A Healthy Kid Is A Well Rested Kid.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Timmy_I_Nelson

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

HOME :: Investing / Day-Trading How Do You Get Started Trading Contracts For Difference (CFDs)? By Ashley Jessen Platinum Quality Author Ashley Jess

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With all the buzz in the newspapers and magazines about trading Contracts for Difference (CFDs), the common question is 'How do I get started trading CFDs?' Keep in mind that a Contract for Difference is exactly like trading shares except you need a small amount of money up front and some subtle differences like the ability to short sell and the fact that you need to pay CFD finance.

Do I need to have traded stocks prior to starting trading CFDs?

Many traders jumping into the market for the first time (noobs) often wonder if they should have experience with shares prior to getting involved in trading a leverage product like CFDs. Ideally you should have some experience prior to trading any leveraged product and that experience should revolved around using sound risk management (risk aversion) and the ability to place and implement stop losses.

But I do I have the control?

Always keep in mind as a new CFD trader you can control the leverage on your account. You never have to use leverage if you don't want to but instead you could treat your CFD account like a share trading account by only ever exposing yourself to the total sum of your capital. For example, if you have $10,000 in your CFD trading account you might like to trade no more than $10,000 in total positions. This means you are using zero leverage and you have no more risk than a standard share trading account (unless you are shorting). If you combine zero leverage with sensible stop losses you'll find you can gain some great experience, minimize your risk and generally experience lower brokerage.

Grab your balls and racquet and let's play...

Now we've got some of those basics out of the way it's time to get serious and put your money where your mouth is. Grab a trading magazine off the bookshelf and locate an ad for a CFD broker and make enquiries to open the account. Opening an account usually requires filling out an online form and providing a copy of your drivers licence and or a recent bank statement. This approval process can take minutes to several days depending on how stringent the CFD brokers criteria are.

Time to dust off the wallet and clean the cobwebs

Once approved the CFD broker salesperson will ask you to fund the account. Normally you can do this with between $1,000 - $5,000. Make sure to put enough money in the account to meet your position sizing and financial goals. From here you can either download their trading platform to place your trades or phone your orders through. Pretty simple really. Now the fun begins.

Action: Discover the 7 most Critical CFD Trading Tips and 2 of the most common CFD Trading Strategies. Learn more about the Contracts for Difference (CFD) revolution by going to http://www.learncfds.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_Jessen

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Is it Worth Trading CFDs For Income and Cash Flow Using Dividends?

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Cashflow is king and when it comes to trading those rules apply even more so. One of the greatest challenges a trader faces is the inconsistency of income due to market fluctuations and poor performing trading systems. Dividends can help overcome this challenge but will require a sizable chunk of money to begin with.

Income generation with CFDs - is it worth it?

If you are looking to generate an income from trading Contracts for Difference via dividends and a low maintenance strategy you might want to 'run the numbers' so to speak before jumping in. Looking at some very basic numbers gives us the following example. You buy $100,000 worth of stock using CFDs and throughout the year you earn 6% in dividend payments or $6,000. Sounds good so far right? Also keep in mind that you might need only $10,000 to run your $100,000 position means you are already earning 60% return on your $10,000 float.

Have you taken CFD financing into account?

Despite making what looks to be a fantastic return on a relatively small outlay you need to consider the overnight CFD finance that you will incur throughout the year. With CFD financing running at 2-3% about the cash rate you will be looking at around 6% per year to finance the trade. Essentially this negates the whole income producing idea behind holding good dividend producing stocks.

So what is the workaround CFD strategy to earn dividends without paying too much finance?

As you can see the basic rule of thumb is the longer you hold your Contracts for Difference position the more CFD finance that you pay. The trick then is to multiply the effectiveness of this strategy by locating good uptrending stocks that pay a solid dividend and hold for a couple of days to weeks prior to the ex-div date. Using this CFD dividend strategy will allow you to hopefully benefit from a capital appreciation of the stock you are on plus receive a healthy dividend on the ex-div date.

By doing it this way you avoid having to pay the CFD finance for a full year and only pay for the shorter period of time that you are holding the position. You get to benefit from a possible capital appreciation whilst receiving the full dividend. Also keep in mind that CFD brokers do not pay any franking credits on dividends earned through CFD trading.

Action: Discover the 7 most Critical CFD Trading Tips and 2 of the most common CFD Trading Strategies. Learn more about the Contracts for Difference (CFD) revolution by going to http://www.learncfds.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ashley_Jessen

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

When is the Use of Stop Loss Orders Warranted?

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Stop losses only serve to lock in your loss in your stock market dealings. First off, let's take the case of a spread bet on a stock for which an announcement comes out bad and the stock drops to 70% of its value and you decide to take your loss and close your spreadbet. Then, later that day they issue a correction they got it wrong the stock goes to 120% its original price. That's how the markets move; there is just as much chance of a price going up or down.

To start with, if you could get out for no cost, then the stop loss has zero effect on your expected profit or loss. You will just as likely stop out of a position that would have gone back into profit as you will stop out of a position that would have lost more money.

In practice, this means that you turn a frequent profit, or a less frequent large loss, into a certain small loss. Overall there is no net effect on the expected profitability of each deal. However, your stop-loss does not tend to get you out at mid. It tends to cost you, furthermore, it tends to cost you about the same as the entry spread, so doubling your expected loss.

No matter how you choose to run it, it is expected to make you a loss. The loss is probably only about 2% per trade, so some people, through sheer statistics, will come out ahead. This is just the same as with walking into a bookmaker's and betting on the horse with the nicest name.

To repeat it very clearly again, stop-losses do not save you money. They increase the number of down-days, they reduce your expected profit, and they reduce the number of hugely down days. They turn very many winning days into losing days, in exchange for removing "utter disaster" days from the calendar.

So in essence, not using a stop loss enables me to invest in a repeated game situation and leaves the possibility for an open position in a heavy loss to eventually turn into something profitable, rather than taking the loss as soon as it hits the stop loss and losing out on the possible profit of a turnaround.

When is the Use of Stop Loss Orders Warranted?

But there is some point in the position that you have to take scope of things and actually cut a loss short rather than just watching the news and situation get worse surely?

In all instances you have to evaluate your position, look at the reasoning behind the loss/gain and decide whether these unfavourable / favourable conditions are going to continue or not or if you think the market is wrong or right. But betting on one company or one outcome is very risky. I personally wouldn't bet anymore than what I couldn't afford to take a 100% loss on and walk away from.

The only problem I see with the above reasoning is if you get a margin call and you get in way over your head and risk more than you're willing to keep the open position. Secondly, the cost of keeping such a position open (which may have been for a few weeks) could turn into something much longer term (assuming we're hoping for a mistake or some good news).

An ideal website to visit, to start learning about spread bets and margin trading is http://www.financial-spread-betting.com who offer a comprehensive FAQs section relating to stop loss orders and general stock market dealing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Richardson

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

High Profit Candlestick Patterns

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Candlestick patterns have been around for approximately 300 years and are therefore one of the earliest documented forms of technical analysis. As testament to their effectiveness, many traders still use them to this day. Thus they are often referred to as "high profit candlestick patterns." But to actually have that term live up to its name, a deeper understanding is required.

The novice trader begins his or her study of Japanese candlestick patterns by becoming educated in the strange names and their corresponding patterns.

Typical of the Eastern approach to things, candlesticks have very poetic titles such as "Shooting Star," "Dark Cloud Cover," "Dragonfly Doji," "Evening Star," "Gravestone Doji," "Abandoned Baby," etc.

There are a multitude of candlestick patterns, but most students focus on a small number of the most common patterns - usually somewhere between 10 to 30 patterns.

As an aid to memorize them, it's typical practice to create flash cards with a picture of the bar pattern on one side and the name of the pattern on the other side.

This is a good way to become familiar with the basic patterns, but it is certainly not enough to use them for high profit trading.

One of the most overlooked aspects of finding high probability and high profit candlestick patterns is to make note of the context in which the pattern occurs.

For example there are many Japanese candlestick patterns that indicate a reversal of price. However, the trader must note where in the larger chart pattern that reversal pattern occurs. He or she must consider the bigger picture of the chart, especially the trend and momentum in the market at the time.

Candlestick reversal patterns against the larger trend can signal a very short term shift in price, or even just a stalling of price before the market continues in the direction of the long-term trend.

Learning to read candlestick patterns is time well spent. However it is only one aspect of learning to trade using technical analysis and should not be used in isolation. One must also learn to read trends, momentum, cycles, support/resistance and fractals (other time frames/scales) so they can evaluate how the candlestick pattern fits into the entire trading landscape.

Dr. Barry Burns teaches traders how to make money with High Profit Candlestick, is the owner of Top Dog Trading and was featured as a case study in the book "Using Candlestick Charting - How to Earn High Rates of Return Safely."

He has been the featured speaker at DayTradersUSA, and developed a 5 Day Course for WorldWideTrders. Dr. Burns has been a headlining guest speaker for the Market Analysts of Southern California, given seminars around the country at many Wealth Expos as well as many Traders Expos, been interviewed on the Robin Dayne Elite Masters of Trading Radio Show, and is the former moderator of the FuturesTalk chat room.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Barry_Burns

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

Bear Market Candlestick Pattern Mastery - Master These Patterns and You Will Love Bear Markets

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You need to admit when you're in a bad trade early on and get out of the position quickly. When you recognize bearish candlestick pattern signals immediately, you can act promptly to limit your losses. Here are some of the most reliable reversal candlestick patterns leading into a bearish market:

* Bearish Abandoned Baby - 3 candle reversal formation; in uptrend, a long white candle forms and the 2nd day gaps up to create a Doji or Spinning Top. The 3rd day gaps down and creates a long black candle.
* Dark Cloud Cover - 2 candle reversal; a white day is followed by a gap up in the morning. The market falls throughout the 2nd day with the close below the midpoint of the 1st day.
* Evening Doji Star - 3 candles; same as Bearish Abandoned Baby except with a shorter 3rd day
* Evening Star - 3 candles; same as Evening Doji Star except with a Spinning Top instead of a Doji
* Three Inside Down - 3 candle reversal; in an uptrend, a white and black Harami forms and the 3rd day opening is about the midpoint of the 2nd day. It trades down and closes outside the range of the 1stday.
* Three Outside Down - 3 candle pattern; in an uptrend, the 1st two days are an engulfing pattern. The 3rd day closes below the range of the 2nd day.

The following are some moderately reliable bearish candlestick patterns:

* Bearish Advance Block - 3 white candles consecutively open within the previous candle body. Each closes higher than the last but is consecutively shorter with a longer upper shadow than the previous candle.
* Deliberation - 3 candles form similar to the Bearish Advance Block, except the 3rd day is a Spinning Top gapping up and can be either black or white.
* Downside Tasuki Gap - 3 candles; 1st two days are black with a gap in between. On the 3rd day it opens within the body of the 2nd day and trades up into the gap but does not close it.
* Dragonfly Doji - 1 candle has all shadow and no body. The open and close are at the top of the day's range.
* Engulfing - 2nd day candle completely engulfs the range of the 1st day
* Gravestone Doji - 1 candle has all shadow and no body. The open and close are at the bottom of the day's range.
* Hangman - 1 candle is short with a long shadow on the bottom
* Meeting the Lines - In an uptrend, a long white candle is followed by a gap up in the opening. Trading continues lower to form a long 2nd day black candle that closes the same as that of the 1st day.

Finally, here are some of the only slightly reliable bearish candlestick patterns:

* Belt Hold - 1 candle reversal; in an uptrend, a long black candle forms with no upper shadow
* Bearish Harami - 2 candle reversal; often the start of Three Inside Down; long white candle followed by a smaller, engulfed black one
* Harami Cross - 2 candle reversal; in an uptrend, a long white candle forms and the 2nd day is a doji completely within the body of the 1st day
* Shooting Star - 1 candle reversal; a gap above the prior trend occurs with a small body and a long shadow on top
* Tweezers Top - 2 candle reversal similar to the Harami Cross without the doji; 1st and 2nd day highs are the same with a 2nd day pullback

Differences Between Forex and Other Markets

Forex (FX) traders rely heavily on candlestick charts. However, the patterns express themselves differently in the currency markets. For example, there are no gaps when trading in FX. This can create some confusion as two normally different patterns may express themselves similarly on a Forex candlestick chart.

A Harami Cross and the first two days of an Evening Star will look very different on the stock exchange but identical to one another on FX. One is a weak bearish candlestick pattern signal while the other is a very rare but strong reversal pattern. Two patterns with basically the same meaning (Bearish Abandoned Baby and Evening Star) look exactly the same in FX.

In both markets, a Shooting Star looks like an Inverted Hammer. But these are in very different positions based on the trend leading up to the relevant candle. The Shooting star will be at the long end of a bullish trend signaling a bearish reversal. An Inverted Hammer will be at the bottom of a bearish trend where the bulls take over.

Bear market candlestick reversal patterns are probably more important to understand than their bull market counterparts. The key again to these patterns is to enter with both a correction in mind as well as a full blown reversal. Fibonacci analysis will help in determining these levels. For a complete guide to mastering these techniques visit our site at http://www.candlestickgenius.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Deaton

Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Join Day Trading Forums to Become a Better Stock Trader

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Day trading in the stock market can be a very risky business if you do not possess the proper knowledge and tools to become successful. One of the best tools you can use to be successful is to join a stock day trading forum. These investment forums are a great place where you can meet and discuss with other day traders on all matters related to profiting in the stock market.

The members of most daytrading forums can help you out and make you become a better trader. If you are an inexperienced day trader, you should join a daytrading forum right away! To be successful in this industry, it is going to take a lot of patience and discipline. The other experienced trader members of the forum can provide you with the assistance you need to get started in the industry.

The good thing about joining a forum for advice is that they are free. You can sign up for an account for free and there are people there helping you right away. Most day traders are very friendly and will share insider trading secrets with you if you are willing to contribute back. You need to make contacts there and discuss with them to become a better trader.

In addition to using a daytrading forum for tutoring and guidance, you should also create a play money account to practice trading before you get your feet wet in the real market. Once you start profiting using practice accounts, you should then do it for real money.

For more daytrading advice to make big profit in the stock market, visit: http://www.daytradingadvice.net.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Siu_Kong

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